Once we got the content it then took months to edit and upload to a online format. Doing this took time, and we estimate we spent as much time obtaining content for this book as we did running the insect farm.

We then took thousands of photos and hundreds of videos of how we operate the farm. We then Benchmarked the production and costs of producing of yellow/giant mealworms and crickets.

First we demolished and renovated a 6m (20 foot) caravan and converted it into an insect business. This project was big….with thousands of photos and hundreds of videos taken over a 18 month period. If the insect breeding industry is to move forward quickly (and it will to keep up with global food demand) we decided to do a comprehensive guide to meet this need. Despite traditional knowledge about insects and their harvest in the wild, for the industrial mass production of safe insects and insect products for consumption and for processing into food and feed, the development of rearing, harvest as well as post-harvest technologies is required.When we started the project, to our knowledge no one had produced a comprehensive guide on producing mealworms for both hobbyist and commercially. Industrial relevance text: With the increasing demand in alternative protein sources worldwide, insects represent an innovative food and feed source rich in high quality protein as well as other beneficial nutritional ingredients such as fat, minerals and vitamins. Potential and challenges along the production chain of insects for food and feed are discussed based on published data and future research needs are derived from recent literature. In addition, consumer acceptance needs to be established. Research is required to develop and automatize cost-effective, energy-efficient and microbially safe rearing, harvest and post harvest processing technologies as well as sanitation procedures to ensure food and feed safety and produce safe insect products at a reasonable price on an industrial scale especially in comparison to meat products. Edible insects, a traditional food all over the world, are highly nutritious with high fat, protein and mineral contents depending on the species and thus represent a noteworthy alternative food and feed source and a potential substitute e.